Wednesday, April 24, 2013

First Touch of Spring - April Showers...

Bring May Flowers~

Goodness, it's been too long since my last post. My apologies for the lack of updates, but I have been snapping a lot of pictures--I promise! I've just been a bit too preoccupied lately. Apologies also for saying that I'm going to start a series of posts, but not continuing it. So here is the next post in the series, dedicated to my first attempt at (a slightly more) professional photography. Unfortunately it happened to be both rainy and windy--not so good for a beginner's attempt. Nice for me, not so much for my camera. Still I got some pretty decent shots.

Geese! Saw these little fellas and couldn't resist a pic or two. April showers don't just bring May flowers...

Common Name: Weeping Katsura
Scientific Name: Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Pendulum'

I don't know what these next flowers are, but these are the ones that inspired this blog. Feel free to tell me if you happen to know what type of plants these are!

It was quite a challenge taking some of these pics what with all the wind and rain, but it was rather fun, if a little chilly. Ah well, until next time~

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