Saturday, October 12, 2013

Let There Be Light

Anybody that knows me knows that I am a little, well, anti-light; some might even say vampiric (and I am not kidding here--I have been called a vampire quite a few times). It is not that I have anything against light--I like sunlight as much as the average person--I just happen to be a little light sensitive is all.

In any case, as averse to sunlight as I am, I also really like taking pictures with great lighting. I don't mean pictures where the level of light is just right or a sunset, though I like those too. In this case I would be referring to pictures that capture light in just the perfect way. Pictures in which the source of light is the main focus of the picture. Pictures in which...well, you get the idea. I know that these might not fall under the topic of flora, but the arboretum of Connecticut College is the backdrop, if that helps any! And these pics were taken the same day as those from the last two posts (am I getting lazy here???).

Enough from me--I do waaaaay too much talking when nobody is listening.

From the top of the hill

Illuminating Arbo Architecture

One of my favorites--kind of reminiscent of a diamond ring now that I think about it...

White light is made up of all wavelengths of light--or something like that ^^;;

Another favorite--follow the beacon!
So there was a lot more talking than showing--my apologies for that! ^^;; I shall keep the rambles to a minimum next time, I promise!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ripples of Serenity

So as promised, I have more pictures from the arboretum to share with you all (these were taken the same day as the previous post). These are also reflective water pics, though of a different nature.

Tada! Rippled water!
 I love watching ripples; I mean who doesn't love concentric circles?? But in any case, the above picture has more of a kaleidoscope effect than circular, but I love it all the same. I tried to draw ripples once for an art project--didn't quite love that experience as much, but ripples are fantastic anyway. Here are some more:

Not as rippled

Very rippled

Impressionism anyone?

With some rocks and plants so you can sort of see the actual scenery
Well that is all from this arboretum trip. I hope you enjoyed the ripples as much as I have and hopefully you also felt the serenity from them! Until next time.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


So I went for a stroll in the arbo with a friend yesterday--the weather was so lovely (if a little bright)! We trekked for a good while and it was so peaceful and nice. Unfortunately, the mosquitoes got to us, and the both of us are sporting some bug bites. Still, we had a splendid time.

Here is a snnapshot which, hopefully, conveys the tranquility of the arbo. I absolutely love taking pictures of reflections, hence the post title.

 Some other views of the pond:
Doesn't this look like a secret clearing?

The sky is falling!
Well, that is all. Hopefully this left you feeling zen and serene. Until next time then (expect another post very very soon; I'm not done sharing arbo pics yet)!

EDIT: Wow, I just realized I have a previous post entitled "Reflections" ah well. This is more pensive in nature and well, bear with me--I don't want to change the title!