Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ripples of Serenity

So as promised, I have more pictures from the arboretum to share with you all (these were taken the same day as the previous post). These are also reflective water pics, though of a different nature.

Tada! Rippled water!
 I love watching ripples; I mean who doesn't love concentric circles?? But in any case, the above picture has more of a kaleidoscope effect than circular, but I love it all the same. I tried to draw ripples once for an art project--didn't quite love that experience as much, but ripples are fantastic anyway. Here are some more:

Not as rippled

Very rippled

Impressionism anyone?

With some rocks and plants so you can sort of see the actual scenery
Well that is all from this arboretum trip. I hope you enjoyed the ripples as much as I have and hopefully you also felt the serenity from them! Until next time.

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