Sunday, February 2, 2014

Spring is Coming!

"Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you're signed up for a season, see it through. You don't have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through,"
~ Jim Rohn
(Just thought I would start with a quote today ^-^)

Alright, so according to everybody's favorite groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, there is actually six more weeks of winter. However, in the perfect and eternal world of the terrarium, I am happy to report that all is growing well and there are a lot of new shoots scattered throughout! In fact, there are over two dozen happy little shoots, I am proud to say! 
Day 12 Can you see them??

How about now? How many can you spot?
The only thing though was that the soil from about midway into the bottle to the mouth seemed a little dry and I've been constantly watering these past few days, but I finally put the plastic covering back over the opening. Hopefully that'll keep moisture in and help with watering. The teeny little sprout by the front also seems to be much smaller than some of his siblings who popped out around the same time as him so hopefully he'll grow bigger. 
One regret I have is not getting my spray bottle earlier or at least waiting until I got my spray bottle to start the terrarium. Now the uneven soil looks a bit like a landslide, but ah well. As long as the little sedums grow up happy right? At least they're not all condensed to one end. 
They make me so happy!
Until next time~

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